Saturday, December 23, 2006

Winding Roads and Steep Cliffs ... 12/21

The great and mighty Thursday and third day (hmm, coincidence?) of my traveling in Israel. We started the day off by traveling a short distance around the edge of the Sea of Galilee to Ginnosar, another Kibbutz about fifteen kilometers from the one we’re staying in. There we enjoyed a small museum including the remains of a small freighter from around the time of Christ and got to walk around a small but quite interesting book shop.

Then came the part that “done beat all” as they say there in Arkansas. We boarded a boat and set out actually ON the Sea of Galilee. That’s right, a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. It was stunning; absolutely stunning. I can see why men would spend their entire lives sailing on it; fishing, shipping, and the like. I just wish we could have actually been in a sail boat. Oh well, now I’m just being nit-picky

From there we continued on around the Sea to the ruins of Capernaum. Even though the site is run by the Catholic Church and thus has some interesting and not quite true pieces to it, this proved quite fascinating. One thing that was both there and true was the remains of a synagogue from the late fourth century. Dr. Fisher was able to really explain how it was that the synagogue worked and we were able to see it quite well. A lot of pieces clicked for me because of that, so that was cool.

The next portion of our travels proved to be some of the most entertaining. It was next that we visited the illustrious Mount Tabor. While its history is quite unique, I would have to say that it was completely overshadowed by the distinct road leading to the top. I never really knew what a hairpin turn was before that. Oh, I thought I did, but I had no idea. For about four or five kilometers the road wound around until I thought that it would surely tie itself in a knot. It was fun though and I must say one of the most interesting driving experiences of my life.

To finish out our day we went to what has to be the most stunning sight I have ever seen. In trying to get to the top of the Horns of Hattan we wound up atop the Arbel Cliffs. I don’t think we could have made a better mistake. What’s more, we were there for sunset. Yes, Beth got pictures from the Arbel Cliffs of the sun setting over the Horns of Hattan.

Besides the sunset, I was in rock climber’s heaven. Seriously, I would have given just about anything for a hundred meter rope and my gear. Man…those were some awesome arĂȘte routes.

However, without either the rope or my gear, I had to satisfy myself with simply clambering across the top of the cliffs. It was so much fun. Standing atop the rocks looking out over Sea of Galilee with shadows from the sunset stretching into the valley below…it’s simply indescribable.

With that being sunset, we were done for the day and headed back to the Kibbutz. Yes, I was tired. Yes, I crashed.


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