Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In the Beginning...

Well folks, this is it. Yes indeed, this is the great day which many of us have been looking forward to for some time. Today is the official beginning of this blog marking the beginning of the official record of my trip to Israel.

For those of you who have stumbled onto this site from some source other than myself or one of my friends, I am Jonathan Marshall. As a follower of Christ, a slightly eccentric algebra teacher, and all around nut-case, it is my pleasure to welcome you to this blog.

Over the next three weeks I will be attempting to update this blog as often as possible with pictures, stories, and other varieties of pointless yet hopefully entertaining information about my wanderings in the Holy Lands.

And that, my friends, is about all I have to say. Please, leave me a note and let me know you're reading. That will be quite encouraging. But be aware, I hope to post much longer and more interesting articles in the future.

Until then,
Jonathan Marshall
Galatians 2:20


Russ said...

You got great company going with the Fishers and Mrs. Stearn! Hope your trip goes really well. We look forward to seeing reports, but we know you may not always be close to an Internet connection.
Russ : )

Nurse Mel said...

I'm so glad you have this blog!
I thought we'd have to wait until you got home to hear all about it. Hope you have a great trip
God bless!

Unknown said...

Yea! I hope to check this as often as you post, but I will be gone also for 3 weeks. I am going to FL and honestly don't think I will have internet at all. But in case I don't comment further, May the Lord richly bless you on your trip. May He show you new things. May you grow more in your knowledge of Him.
Also take lots and lots of pictures!!! :-)


muzic4him said...

I'll definitely be reading along, Jonathon! I hope your trip is a blessed one and that you learn a lot!

Brendan said...

"slightly eccentric"?


Have fun on your trip dude...

Peter said...

Hey Jonathan! Looking forward to the upcoming posts. God bless you and have a great trip! Bring me back a scroll or something.

Unknown said...

For those wondering about future trips to Israel- we plan June 2008 for the next one.