Saturday, December 23, 2006

How to Read This Blog

I feel an apology is due. Although I am indeed doing a post for each day, that does not mean I am posting each day. It doesn't even mean I'm writing each day. Being the driver for the trip, I'm not getting a lot of time on the laptop during our travels and my evenings are mostly spent trying to catch up from a bad case of jet lag. On top of that, our internet situation has been nothing but trouble since day one.

As such, my posts are coming and will continue to come in spurts. I might not post for several days and then post three times in one evening.

So yeah, all of that to say, check back here often. You never know what you're going to find. (No Brendan, don't even go there...)

Edit: Dr. Fisher just informed me that after Christmas our Internet connection will be much more stable. That should be nice.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jonathan,
I enjoyed reading about your trip. I went to Isreal with Dr. Fisher last fall. It was a trip I would love to repeat. I am Philip Roth's little sister.
God bless,

Anonymous said...

Hi again,
I am just doing a spelling fix.
There. :)